Over the last 5 years, the Commodity CFO role has evolved to become more strategically-focused, more value-focused and more future-focused.
As commodity markets become ever more transparent and liquid, and as traditional trading margins continue to be squeezed, it is becoming increasingly important that the CFO office evolves from being primarily fiduciary in nature to more visionary and value-creative.
HC Group has seen the energy & commodity CFO office begin to play a far more strategic and often operational role within the context of a commercial marketing or trading operation, as the traditional custodian and stewardship function of the function evolves to incorporate strategic decision making. In today’s world of rising geopolitical tensions, rapidly advancing digital disruption and transformation and the acceleration towards lower carbon economies, commodity finance teams are having to establish a clear and common understanding of company purpose and be adept in outlining how the company delivers value – upwards to senior management/board, outwards to investors, policy-makers and regulators, and downwards through the organisation.
For 20 years, HC Group has been aligning world-class energy and commodity organizations with superior finance talent.
Finance roles HC can fulfil:
- Financial Officers
- Financial Planning
- Financial Control
- Treasury
- Trade Finance
- Structured Finance
- Tax
- Audit

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