Compensation Data & Advisory

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Ensuring our clients stay competitive

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In today’s competitive environment, aligning productivity and performance is critical in determining an optimum compensation methodology and framework. 

To compete for and retain talent, you must not only understand your position from a remuneration standpoint but also how your organisation is perceived in recruitment and talent markets, along with any opportunities or threats you may not be aware of.

HC Group’s truly unique positioning within the global energy and commodities sector not only enables us to provide granular detail around base salary and bonus ranges, but more importantly an often lacking additional layer of market context to help interpret the data through the correct lens.

The data points we can provide:

  • Base salary benchmarking
  • Annual variable compensation (annual total of pay, short or long term incentives, sales incentives, profit sharing)
  • Bonus mechanisms and methodologies
  • Benefits

The questions we can answer:

  • How is your employer brand perceived in the market?
  • How do various incentive plans influence behaviours and culture?
  • How are bonus pools determined and distributed across an organisation?
  • How does compensation impact value creation?
  • Where is your key-person risk based on current talent supply/demand?

How we source and deliver our data

Contrary to most prominent compensation data vendors, HC Group does not rely on company participation. We source, cleanse and anonymise anecdotal market intelligence and hard compensation data that we receive directly from the talent communities within our global network.

To ensure that the data cannot be reverse engineered, HC only provides data points where data density permits, and no individual data point represents more than 25% of any statistic. Depending on preference, HC can cut the data by market median, including P25 and P75 information, in addition to gross/net compensation comparisons between regional hubs.

HC Group's specialist product and functional consultants are pleased to offer a fully bespoke and complimentary market presentation, including recruitment insights, tailored to match the items you select on our Client Presentation Request form.

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